【同义词辨析】 2019-07-27 理解陪伴帮助安慰娱乐(待人5法)(5小组一起记)

(1) 理解
understand: may stress the fact of having attained a mental grasp of something: ~ the instructions.   mental意思是思维思考relating to the process of thinking,广义上的思维也包括认知等其它认知活动。

comprehend: stresses the mental process of arriving at a result: failed to ~ the entire process.  达到结果arriving at a result说明是完整的,因此comprehensive也表示全面的,如全面伙伴关系comprehensive partnership。  listening/reading comprehension听力/阅读理解

appreciate: implies a just estimation of a thing’s value and is often used in reference to what is likely to be misjudged: failed to ~ the risks involved.   除了这里的充分正确认识外,appreciate还表示欣赏感激

understand理解: 表示对某物思维上有认识(grasp本意抓住把握,这里表示认识),comprehend理解: 强调完整的思维过程,appreciate充分认识: 表示充分认识到某物的价值,特别是容易误判

记忆方法: 1) 理解的意思是有清晰完整认识mean to have a clear or complete idea of.   idea想法主意是概念主意思考印象等所有思维产物的基础词,最通用,因此适合做概括。

(2) 陪伴
accompany: when referring to persons, usually implies equality of status: ~ied his wife to the theatre.

attend: implies a waiting upon in order to serve usually as a subordinate: will ~ the President at the summit meeting.  多指上级布置的杂务,如attendant是空乘等服务人员

escort: adds to accompany implications of protection, ceremony, or courtesy: a motorcade ~ed the visiting queen.  车队

accompany陪伴: 通常用于身份平等的人,attend陪同: 通常表示下属从事勤务,escort护卫: 比accompany增加了礼仪护送的意思

记忆方法: 1) 陪伴的意思是一同前往mean to go along with.

(3) 帮助
oblige: implies the putting of someone into one’s debt by doing something that is pleasing: ingenuous and eager to ~ everyone; and is commonly used in conventional acknowledgement of small courtesies: much ~d for their warm hospitality.   (法语noblesse oblige位高责任重,贵族义务is the idea that people who have special advantages of wealth, etc. should help other people who do not have these advantages,如they did so without hope of further profit and out of a sense of noblesse oblige他们这样做并未打算进一步获利,而是出于一种贵族责任感

accommodate: when used of services, can replace oblige or can implies gracious compliance and consideration: a most ~ing host; or connote the intent to be of assistance: willing to ~ their unusual requests.

favor: implies the rendering of a service out of goodwill and without imposing an obligation on or expecting a return from the one favored: luck ~ed him in all his enterprises; it can sometimes carry a suggestion of gratuitousness or of patronizing: ~ a friend with unsought advice.    gratuitous无缘无故无正当理由或目的的,无谓的without any good reason or purpose and often having harmful effects,如gratuitous violence on television电视上无谓的暴力镜头,如a gratuitous insult无缘无故的侮辱)

oblige帮助恩惠: 表示做令人感激的事,还用于对一般恩惠礼貌性地表达谢意,accommodate照顾、帮助: 表示彬彬有礼地体谅考虑他人;或表示愿意提供帮助,favor惠顾: 指出于善意帮助他人不求回报(用于反讽,表示无缘无故的,或自以为高人一等给人恩惠,是特定衍生意,不用翻译)

记忆方法: 1) 帮助的意思是服务帮助mean to do a service or courtesy.   courtesy这里表示免费惠允的,如a courtesy shuttle bus operates between the hotel and the town有免费班车往返于酒店和市区,如the pictures have been reproduced by courtesy of the British Museum承蒙大英博物馆惠允,复制了这些画)

(4) 安慰
comfort: implies imparting cheer, strength, or encouragement as well as lessening pain: a message intended to ~ the grieving family.  impart给予知识或特定品质to pass information, knowledge; or to give a particular quality,如she managed to impart great elegance to the unpretentious dress she was wearing她使自己朴素的衣着看起来也十分优雅,如the ability to impart knowledge is the essential qualification for teachers具备传授知识的能力是对教师的基本要求)

console: emphasizes the alleviating of grief or the mitigating of the sense of loss: ~d herself by remembering the good times. alleviate暂时部分减轻mitigate缓解中和反抗to moderate,counter,如英国说华为安全问题可以缓解Britain says Huawei security problems can be mitigated.

solace: suggests a lifting of spirits often from loneliness or boredom as well as from pain or grief: ~d himself by reading books and writing poetry.

comfort安慰: 指给人欢乐力量勇气减轻痛苦,console安慰: 强调减轻悲伤失落,solace安慰: 表示提振精神,特别是从孤独无聊中,也可用于从痛苦悲伤中

记忆方法: 1) 安慰的意思是帮助减轻痛苦悲伤mean to give or offer help in relieving suffering or sorrow.

(5) 娱乐
amuse: suggests that the attention is engaged lightly or frivolously: ~ yourself while I prepare dinner. amusement park游乐场  frivolous也是心情轻松的意思,但有贬义

divert: implies the distracting of the attention from worry or duty especially by something different, often something light: tired businessmen looking for a comedy to ~ them. distract分心转移注意力to take attention away   消遣指做一些自己感兴趣,无关紧要的事来消磨打发时间,转移注意力,可以将divert译成消遣

entertain: suggests supplying amusement or diversion by specially prepared or contrived methods: comedians and pretty girls to ~ the troops.   contrivance聪明灵巧的计划设计方案等implies a clever and ingenious plan, design, scheme,如contrived a way of helping them without their knowing it想出了一种帮助他们又让他们察觉不出来的方法)

amuse逗乐开心: 表示使注意力轻松,divert消遣: 将注意力从焦虑职责转移到其它轻松的事情上,entertain娱乐: 表示通过专门准备设计,为他人提供逗乐消遣(amusement or diversion)

记忆方法: 1) 娱乐的意思是愉快度过时间mean to pass or cause to pass the time pleasantly.